May 31, 2018
Ordinarily a Commune is a place where people live together and participate in the daily chores of life.
My Commune, Osho's Commune is all that and more. The 'more' part is that mysterious element that binds this whole planet, this universe, together. This is LOVE. This Love as yet lies undiscovered within you. The spiritual commune is people living together making an effort through their meditations to uncover this Love. This is the focus. Love is the focus, NOT the living together. That is just the meat and potatoes part of it. Just the container and support for the event of LOVE to happen.
Wherever my people meet, it becomes the Commune. It could be a train station, the airport or supermarket, someone's house. Wherever my people meet in LOVE the outer ceases to become the mundane and becomes the spiritual. Matter and spirit are unified in this Love. The world and the other world become one in this realisation. This Earth then truly is a manifest paradise.
But the journey is arduous because of your mind. Your mind is attached to possessions, ideas, behaviour patterns and all this garbage you think is so important. You think this house is yours, this wife is yours, this society is yours etc etc. Everything you own you are enslaved by it. Then Love becomes impossible. Then people are living together in a drag. Just dragging the burdens around.
LOVE is the only communion. The word commune comes from Communion. To live together in my commune is to be in Communion with Love, and LOVE is the only God there is!
And how do we come to this Love? This that is our inherent reality?
Through freedom. Freedom is the way. Freedom from the mind. You are entrapped in your mind. This mind which is just smoke and mirrors. Mind is like being in a house of mirrors, hundreds of reflections in which the real gets lost. The society, your friends, family, everyone you know, all knowledge you have gathered is reflected in this house of mirrors and you are trying to deal with all these reflections...which are just noise...and you don't know who You are anymore.....and your essence is lost in this noise. You are not the mind, in fact this mind is just a frequency that enters you and hijacks your very soul.
Freedom from mind is needed. How to become free? First through intensive observation it will be seen that this mind is not you, it exists because you give it importance. Stop giving it importance, and you begin to extricate. But you don't want to be free! This is the whole problem.
Freedom has consequences, all that you held important, near and dear will begin to lose significance and then there is fear. If the society is not important, if the politics is not important, if morals, etiquette, relationships, jobs, money and all this is not important then what will become of you? Then who are you? At least all these things give you a sense of your own existence. The belief is that if all this is real then you must be real too! And then a Master comes along and says all this is garbage and you start to tremble, then who are you? No one wants true freedom people only talk about it. Slavery is far more comfortable.
A meditator has to take the risk to leap into the void beyond the mind, then and only then can your true being, the essential Love become your manifest reality.
October 29, 2017
(This text is a transcribed excerpt from a spontaneous talk given by GuruG)
When we pulse, whatever organ we are working on, we are bringing the pulse to that organ. So in the channel of that organ, in the bio electrical field of that organ the prism of your ego is present. When you start to flood the system with pulse, that prism breaks up and your organic structure falls back into harmony with the Earth. So this is not about wearing Birkenstock and hemp socks. That’s not the way to come back to harmony with the Earth.
The way to come back to harmony with the Earth is to flood your system with the pulse which basically is love. The pulse beat of this Earth is love. When you feel love in your hearts you are fully in tune with the Earth. To be fully in tune with the Earth means you’re fully in tune with all the planets, because the Earth and all the planets are just fully in love! There’s just a field of love! Earth, Sun, Moon, Solar system, Universe keeps expanding, all connected with stream of love. The only thing that blocks you from a stream of love is your ego. The prison of your ego. It’s like looking at things with colored glasses. You just have to remove the glasses… It’s easy and it’s also difficult. It’s easy when you know that there is no other choice. It’s very difficult when your mind says “NO!”- and the mind is the prison, so the prison talks to itself. Your prison which is your "I"dentity, your very sense of separation from everything.
So this is what needs to be dissolved. This is what this work is about- dissolving the identity, dissolving ego. Just remember, everything you do on this Earth is an extension of this prison, this mind, ego identity. It’s a game. If you become serious about the game it means you become serious about your own identity. And this very identity has to be dropped! You have to bypass it. So we have to play the game well. That’s for sure. It’s a game played well, but if you know it is a game than you know there’s no need for misery. There may be pain, that’s part of life, but misery and unhappiness is the construct of the mind. No need for all that. Joy is the natural fountain of life. To be in joy means to be in synchronicity with the Earth’s pulse. Misery, seriousness, fighting, attachment - this is loosing track that you are just playing the game. It’s a game!!
Even if you are the greatest dancer in the world or you’re aspiring to be one, or you’re a great potter or aspiring to be one, a great artist, musician, etc, be careful - this is the beautiful ego. The businessman is a boring ego and the artist is a beautiful ego, but they are both egos. They are both prisons of the mind. One is more positive than the other for sure, but ultimately don’t get attached! That is the problem with artists, they become far more attached than an ordinary businessman. The ordinary businessman somewhere there knows it is all rotten shit what he is doing. But the artists start to fool themselves, they start to believe they are great creators, that they are doing something very special. Ultimately it’s not true, and they become more prone to be attached to what they are doing. The artistic way is definitely a good doorway to get closer to joy and love. I say “closer” but it can also become a barrier if you are not aware, if you loose meditation.
So always remember, the ego comes at you in both ways- negative way and also in the positive way: Neti Neti. Go for the essential. The essential is the core of these two. The transcendent core. You have to jump. And pulsing is very easy - you just dissolve...
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